Land Acknowledgement
Lingít Aaní

Painting by Leah Bennett
Haa Tóoch Lichéesh Coalition resides on the unceded territory of the Áakʼw Ḵwáan, also known as Juneau, Alaska. We acknowledge that Lingít Peoples have been stewards of this land since time immemorial and we are grateful for that stewardship and incredible care. We recognize the series of unjust actions that attempted to remove them from their land, which includes forced relocations and the burning of villages. We honor the relationships that exist between Lingít Peoples, their lands, their ancestors, and future generations. We aspire to work toward healing and liberation, recognizing our paths are intertwined in the complex histories of settler colonialism in Alaska. We acknowledge that we arrived here by listening to the peoples, Elders, and lessons from the past and these stories carry us as we weave a healthier world for future generations. We aspire towards truth, healing, and justice as we build a collective future where everyone can thrive.